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COP16: The global failure to protect life

At the end of ten days of negotiations, during the participating states were expected to implement practical measures to halt (…)

25 factsheets to guide MEPs

BLOOM and the Fabrique Écologique have joined forces to help future MEPs understand all the issues affecting the future of (…)

Join the public debate to save the ocean

The French National Commission for Public Debate (CNDP) is organizing a major debate on the future of the oceans until (…)

The government lies on giant trawlers

On 28 November, the French government committed yet another astounding feat. On the set of the program “Les super-pouvoirs de (…)

Saving the eel: NGOs call on the government

BLOOM, France Nature Environnement, Longitude 181, Des Requins et Des Hommes, FishSec, MedReAct, Oceana and Seas at Risk are calling (…)

France’s radio silence on the ocean

This Friday 6 October an important meeting between European institutions will take place in Brussels to prepare the implementation of (…)

Who could have predicted the end of trawling?

Who could have predicted that trawling’s Achilles heel was its structural dependence on oil? Who could have predicted that trawling was (…)

The Liberal Right’s toxic game

The Nature Restoration Law’s destiny is on hold after the suspension of the vote in the European Parliament’s Environment Committee. (…)

The European Right’s reign of terror

It is tough being a right-wing MEP in Brussels these days Ignoring the multiplication of extreme weather events and disregarding (…)

Tuna fishing lobbies caught red-handed

We knew it all along and they have just proved it: industrial fishing lobbies influence the official positions of States (…)

BLOOM calls on the EU to support environmental protection in the Indian Ocean

While two potentially game-changing meetings start today in Mombasa (Kenya) that could determine a clear improvement for the vastly degraded state of health of tuna populations and other marine life in the Indian Ocean, we call on the EU to completely change its stance and adopt the urgent measures tabled by India to protect the marine environment.

COP15: other issues addressed in the Kunming-Montreal agreement

The 195 Member States of the Convention on Biological Diversity have agreed on a number of key issues such as deep sea protection, restoration of degraded ecosystems, advocacy for the rights of indigenous people, the rights of nature, and funding for nature protection in developing countries.

Marine protected areas that protect unreachable and unexploited areas

An analysis conducted by French marine NGO BLOOM reveals today that the marine protected areas under strict protection of the French Southern Territories, which President Macron proudly claimed to have tripled in size at the Brest Summit in February 2022, is located in an area that has never been the subject of industrial fishing.

Lisbon’s UN Ocean Conference victory

During the UN Ocean Conference’s week (starting June 27th), hundreds of thousands of citizens mobilized alongside us on social networks (…)

For truly protected marine protected areas

While France is preparing to vote for the second round of the presidential election, another vote is being prepared in the European Parliament that will have a major influence on the European Union’s environmental ambition in terms of preserving carbon sinks and biodiversity.

Electric fishing lobbies blowing hot air

Bis repetita. As in 2018, electric fishing supporters are using the timely publication of a ‘Special Advice’ from the International (…)

Der Schwindel mit dem MSC-Siegel

Die Wahrheit über das größte Fischerei-Logo aufgedeckt BLOOM und seine Co-Autoren von den Universitäten von New York (USA) und Dalhousie (…)

The sham of the MSC label

The biggest fishing label’s reality uncovered BLOOM and co-authors from the universities of New York (United States) and Dalhousie (Canada) (…)

A rescue plan for the next ten years

BLOOM partners with 101 environmental organisations[1] and signs the Blue Manifesto published today, Tuesday 28 January 2020. This European plan (…)

Which model for the fisheries sector?

As every year, some of the largest fishing vessels in the world — sometimes over 140m in length — are (…)

Fisheries subsidies wreck ecosystems

Following the dramatic position adopted by the Council of the EU on 18 June to reopen the most harmful fisheries (…)

Futuro del mare, l’Italia al bivio

A un passo da una decisione irreversibile   Nei prossimi giorni l’Italia corre il rischio di commettere un errore senza (…)


The two years of fierce fighting and the constant pressure exerted by BLOOM are finally bearing fruit in fishing ports. (…)

Complaint against Italy for illegal fishing in Africa

Jointly with the Coalition for Fair Fisheries Agreements (CFFA), the African Confederation of Small-Scale Professional Fishing Organisations (CAOPA), the Regional Partnership (…)

Possible endgame for electric fishing

The date for the next Trilogue meeting between the European Commission, the EU Council (Member States) and the European Parliament (…)

Joint letter on electric fishing

32 NGOs and artisanal fishers’ organisations sent a joint letter to all European decision-makers (MEPs, Permanent Representations, European Commission) to (…)

Electric fishing: the worst was avoided

Paris, 5 October 2018 The European “trilogue” negotiations on electric fishing nearly adopted an outrageous compromise on October 4 that (…)

BLOOM requests access to Trilogue documents

Since March 2018, several ‘Trilogue’ meetings on the Technical Measures Regulation have taken place in complete institutional opacity (see ‘To (…)

The European Parliament under high tension

PRESS RELEASE, Brussels/Strasbourg After the suspension of parliamentary activity during the Christmas period, the controversy over electric fishing has ensured (…)

After the Blue Cop

This year’s two weeks of climate talks, COP23, the Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (…)

MSC caught up in a turmoil…again!

Many actors, including BLOOM, have launched the On The Hook campaign, which aims to prevent yet another downward slide by (…)

Pulse fishing

Electric pulse fishing is a technique that consists in sending electroshocks in the sediment to capture flatfish species living in (…)

El Telefoniño HOTLINE OCEAN CLIMAT 24h/24

24/24 speedy scientific information and fact-checking to understand everything about the role of the ocean in the regulation of the (…)

The cod was too good

“The cod was too good”: this is how the exciting new multimedia gallery “In the cracks” begins, available for viewing (…)

Fishy agreements


An inconvenient truth

  By Prof. Les Watling, Prof. Callum Roberts and Prof. J. Murray Roberts   Fishing industry lobbyists recently circulated a (…)

Raising awareness in Strasbourg

With the intention of raising awareness among MEPs and deputy assistants on deep-sea fishing, BLOOM was in Strasbourg for the day and distributed postcards representing the economic (…)

Deep-sea regulation stuck in Parliament

  The Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament announced this morning that the vote on the deep-sea fishing regulation will (…)

2013 French Supermarket Ranking

  Read our study and French supermarket ranking here (in French) Media Impact 05 juin 2013 | Casino, l’enseigne (…)

“Poulpe fiction”: a student competition

For the past three years, Bloom has collaborated with the non-profit organizations Synlab and Les Atomes Crochus (specialized in the popularization (…)


  The French Minister of Fisheries, Mr Frédéric Cuvillier, already welcomes the “positive results” concerning deep-sea species quotas: an increase (…)

Deep trouble for deep-water species

A new study reveals severe mismanagement of European deep-water stocks, according to this week’s online version of the journal Ocean & (…)

Victory against Intermarché

  BLOOM wins a battle against French retail giant Intermarché, by obtaining a ban on a dishonest and misleading advertisement. (…)

Consultation on Shark finning

BLOOM has contributed to the European Commission Consultation on Shark Finning (the practice of cutting off fins at sea). In (…)

Collaboration about a science festival

Since 2010, BLOOM has been a member of the scientific advisory board of the “Paris Montagne” festival of the Ecole (…)


Programme de connaissance des milieux marins développé avec les enseignants de la cité scolaire Jean Moulinde Montmorillon (86) pour les 9-18 (…)

The “Grenelle de la Mer”

  BLOOM and the WWF created an NGO platform which assumed its full potential during the 2009 “Grenelle de la (…)

End of the porbeagle fishery

Following the “Grenelle de la Mer” multi-stake holder negotiations and thanks to BLOOM’s determined action on the porbeagle issue (France (…)

The French NGOs’ “Yellow Book”

The Yellow Book was a joint response from the NGOs to the European consultation (Green Paper) on the Common Fisheries (…)

The Fisheries Control Regime: 2008/2009

This project, which has since become law, was intended to strengthen EU control within the Common Fisheries Policy.   BLOOM (…)

“The Deep” Exhibition

THE DEEP exhibition gains an educational section on shark extinctions and deep-sea bottom trawling, curtesy of Bloom.

A didactic booklet for students

A didactic, 26-pages-long booklet on the marin environment has been distributed to 60 000 students in Hong Kong.  


Animation informatique interactive en temps réel des fonds océaniques développée avec l’artiste Renaud Chabrier (cible : enfants de 9 à14 (…)


Depuis 2005 – Marraine du projet Générations Océans et de la Semaine de la Mer

Nicolas Hulot

“The ocean is the memory of Life on Earth and of the mystery of the common origins we share with all living things…”

Alison Sudol

“Imagine this: what if you had a little house on a large plot of wild, beautiful untouched woods…”

David Mayer de Rothschild

“We are all creatures of the ocean! without it we are nothing!”

Dr Sylvia Earle

“If people could see how bottom trawls catch fish, they would be appalled. I have seen it: these scrapers go across the ocean floor and take everything…”

Don Walsh

“I want to salute the European Union for their role in eventually banning all deep water trawling…”

Jacques Perrin

“They look awful with their huge eyes and monstrous mouths but Men are the only ones to judge the beauty or ugliness of a being…”

Daniel Cohn-Bendit

“European fleets fishing in deep waters are among the largest in the world.”

Hélène de Fougerolles

Deep-sea bottom trawling is a scandal! I support BLOOM in their effort to stop this aberration!

Matthieu Ricard

“A vote will take place in the European Parliament on bottom trawling of the deep seabed which took tens of thousands of years of slow evolution to form…”

Justine Mitchell

“I support Bloom in all the incredible work they do. Why destroy something that we have only just started to comprehend and from which we have so much to learn?”

Coline Serreau

“Deep-sea bottom trawling, a headlong rush into destructive madness…”

Michel Rocard

“The Dee Sea remain the last place on Earth with no protection whatsoever. ..”

Hubert Védrine

“Protection must be strictly monitored and the conversion of fishermen be ensured in a human and economically viable way, as it should be done for all human activities to be “greened”…”

Yann Arthus-Bertrand

“Out of sight, out of heart! Deep-sea fishing destroys the seabed and the life that inhabits it in the most general indifference…”

Frédéric Lenoir

“I deeply support BLOOM’s fight against deep-sea bottom trawling, which destroys under water ecosystems, extremely important for the preservation of biodiversity.”

Nainoa Thompson

“Every time we hurt the oceans, we hurts ourselves. Every time we take life away from the oceans, we take it away from the inheritance of our children…”

Jackson Browne

“I want to encourage the EU Parliament to pass the controls over bottom trawling…”


Luc Jacquet

“During my life, I have been fortunate to travel extensively…”

Rob Stewart

“The oceans are the most important ecosystem on earth – regulating our climate, oxygen, and food, and everything should be done to protect them from the menaces of deep sea trawling…”

Marie-Monique Robin

“Fish that inhabit the oceans are like bees: they are the sentinels of the state of the planet…”

Marc Guillemot

“To continue fishing in the Deep Sea means to remove the cradle of life on the surface!…”

Marielle de Sarnez

“Scraping the ocean floor and catching all the fauna is not fishing, it is a massacre…”

Allain Bougrain-Dubourg

“Against all odds, we found that the subtle intimacy of the Deep were the setting for an unlikely fauna…”

Isabelle Autissier

“The biodiversity of the Deep Sea is a common treasure, it is urgent to stop the massacre.”

Pascal Durand

“It is vital to stop deep-sea bottom trawling because it means the preservation of life itslef…”

Stéphane Peyron

“Deep-sea fishing is harms ourselves as well as the generations to come…”

Laurence Rossignol

“Deep sea marine life must be protected from fishing and other human activity…”


” All of us are really concerned about environmental issues when we can see them and sea’problems are often hard (…)

Jean-Paul Chanteguet

“The deep oceans are still largely unknown and remain, in many ways, quite mysterious to us…”

Jean-Paul Besset

“Europe is meant to protect its people…”

Jérôme Anger

“Men do not bite the hand that feeds them, they amputate it…”

Patrick Braoudé

“We haven’t yet explored the deep-sea bed and we are already destroying its biodiversity… Who knows the treasures hiding in the deep sea?”

Mathilda May

“Until where will we go into the destruction? This aberration must stop, and fast. We should all support BLOOM Association.”

Jean-François Julliard

“Bottom trawling is a “crime” hidden away from public view… “

Enric Sala

“I would think that a smart, 21st century European parliament member will not vote for throwing taxpayers’ (voters’) money into an industry that has never been profitable and, worst yet, destroys the deepest reservoir of biodiversity on our planet.”

Jean-Paul Jaud

“Beyond the intolerable massacre of biodiversity, the authorization of deep-sea trawling will raise radioactive residues…”

Philippe Cury

“Deep-sea bottom trawling is a fishing technique that has no future…”

Gilles Boeuf

“Deep-sea trawling is of very little interest on the vast sandy-muddy soft beds because biomass is low and these environments require long periods of time to produce…”

Olivia Piana

“”The ocean is my second home. The destruction of this paradise is unthinkable…”

Denis Ody

“What to shout, and who to shout it to, for reason to prevail?…”

Yves le Blévec

“Deep-sea bottom trawling is an ecological disaster…”

Anne-Marie Vergez

“With the method of trawling, not only wildlife are affected but habitats are generally often destroyed after the passage of trawlers.”

Imanol Ugartemendia

“For years and years, fishermen have emptied the continental shelf, they did nonsense with the big boats, they were forced to create revenue to repay these boats worth several million euros…”

Christophe Vissant

“I am passionate about the underwater world and I attach a profound importance to the protection of our planet and all life forms in general…”

Rainer Froese

“The deep sea is the least known place on earth…”

Raphaël Filippi

“I am lucky to spend much time in the water enjoying the waves…”

David Billett

“A huge variety of fascinating life forms exist in the deep sea, not just corals and sponges…”

Les Watling

“The deep sea is an ancient environment, essentially unchanged for more than 20 million years…”

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