04 October 2017

Session on fisheries subsidies at the WTO Public Forum
04 October 2017
During the WTO Public Forum held at the WTO Headquarters in Geneva (26-28 Sept. 2017), BLOOM and The Varda Group organized a session on public subsidies in collaboration with our partner the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD).
Representatives from many countries honoured us with their presence, including as panelists:
Ambassador Juan Carlos Gonzalez, Permanent Representative of Colombia to the WTO
Ambassador David Walker, Permanent Representative of New Zealand to the WTO
Mr. Mustaqeem de Gama, Councellor, Mission of South Africa to the WTO
> Click here to download THE PRESENTATIONS OF SPEAKERS
> Watch session below

> Click here to download our review of proposals “THE LOW HANGING FISH”
Highlights from the session
> Ambassador Juan Carlos Gonzalez, Permanent Representative of Colombia to the WTO:
« The Low Hanging Fish is a very important message. [In Colombia] we have seen the impact of overfishing. It is estimated that over half of the species for which there is data available are in overfishing condition in Colombia. »
> Ambassador David Walker, Permanent Representative of New Zealand to the WTO:
“Our concern for the fish is not unique to us, and we have many colleagues who are motivated by this issue. Even putting aside our own position as a demandeur in the fisheries subsidies negotiations, I have every expectation that there will be some outcome on fisheries subsidies at MC11. SDG Target 14.6 includes a very clear 2020 deadline. With the 2020 clock ticking we think the excuse ‘we need more time’ won’t work anymore.”
> Mr. Mustaqeem de Gama, Councellor, Mission of South Africa to the WTO:
“All of us have an interest to achieve an outcome at MC11 and we have many issues in common. So, all of us would want disciplines on overcapacity, overfishing, IUU, specifically, but all this needs to be contextualized in respect of certain demands that are being made. For instance the ACP proposal of which we are a proponent, places a lot of emphasis on special & differential treatment.”
Additional material
> Click here to download our briefing “TIME TO GET THE MATH RIGHT”