
A large part of conservation work is educating the public to understand the problems faced by today’s marine environment, and to propose possible solutions that all may participate in.


BLOOM HK offers to conduct seminars for schools of various levels, in both English and Cantonese. Some previously presented topics include:

  • Hong Kong Shark Tale
  • Hong Kong Reef Fish Biodiversity
  • Marine Conservation Story
  • Care for Our Ocean

Audiences may range from kindergarten to university students or the general public.

If you are interested to host a seminar with us, please contact

Ecology and Biodiversity, The University of Hong Kong (HKU)

BLOOM Hong Kong maintains a close mentorship relationship with students of the Ecology and Biodiversity programme in HKU, playing a guiding role for students’ research and final year projects. More on the contents of the research will be uploaded soon.

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