Contrary to what the impact of our actions suggests, we operate on a very limited budget, which we devote entirely to our research programs and subsequent actions. Our reputation is based on our effectiveness. Our financial support mostly relies on word of mouth and the mobilization of our amazing network of supporters. This allows us to guarantee that 100% of your donations are allocated to action. From 2017 onwards, financial accounting is provided by Undae Conseils, based in Nantes, and the Statutory Auditor is HLP Audits in Nantes.
BLOOM’s 2023 operating expenses are € 2,147K and operating income is € 2,990K.
BLOOM’s income breaks down as follows: 59% from individual donations, 34% from foundations;
and 6% from companies.
Annual report available here.
BLOOM’s 2022 operating expenses are € 1,591K and operating income is € 2,175K.
BLOOM’s income breaks down as follows: 70% from individual donations, 25% from foundations;
and 5% from companies.
Annual report available here.
BLOOM’s 2021 operating expenses is € 1,041K and operating income is € 1,170K.
Income breaks down as follows: 78% from individual donations and skills sponsorship, 14% from foundations and 6% from SMEs or VSEs with a strong CSR responsibility and onboard generosity.
In 2021, BLOOM thanks the following foundations for their generous support, which represents a total of 14% of the association’s funding:
- Fondation AnBer : € 5K
- Fondation Lemarchand : € 30K
- Fondation Ensemble : € 3K
- Fonds de dotation 1% pour la Planète : € 16K
- Fondation Sophie Rochas : € 10K
- Synchronicity : € 43K
- Levine Family Foundation : € 39K
- Georg Waechter Memorial Foundation : € 19K
Annual report available here.
BLOOM’s 2021 operating expenses is € 866K and operating income is € 1,279K.
BLOOM’s income breaks down as follows: 66.73% from individual donations and skills sponsorship, 22.68% from foundations and 10.59% from SMEs or VSEs with a strong CSR responsibility and onboard generosity.
In 2020, BLOOM thanks the following foundations for their generous support:
- Cabestan Foundation: € 10K
- Fonds de Dotation pour Animaux sauvages: € 10K
- Lemarchand Foundation: € 30K
- Fondation Ensemble: € 17K
- 1% for the Planet Endowment Fund: € 2.5K
- Fondation Nature et Solidarités 59: € 5K
- Meyer Louis Dreyfus Fund: € 18K
- Levine Family Foundation: € 10K
- The Waterloo Foundation: € 23K
- Georges Wachter Memorial: € 41K
- Oak Foundation (Funding Fish): € 116K
- Elsevier Foundation: € 900
Annual report available here.
BLOOM’s 2019 operating expenses are € 963K and operating income is € 1,053K.
BLOOM’s income breaks down as follows: 68.87% from individual donations and skills sponsorship, 26.23% from Foundations and 4.9% from SMEs or VSEs with a strong CSR responsibility and onboard generosity.
In 2019, BLOOM thanks the following foundations for their generous support, which represent 26.23% of BLOOM’s funding:
- Cabestan Foundation: € 20K
- Fonds de Dotation pour Animaux sauvages: € 10K
- Albert I Foundation: € 8K
- Humus Foundation: € 6K
- Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation: € 14K
- AnBer Foundation: € 10K
- Lemarchand Foundation: € 20K
- Fondation Ensemble: € 3K
- Sophie Rochas Foundation: € 5K
- 2050 Foundation: € 50K
- 1% for the Planet Collective: € 15K
- Pluriel Foundation for contemporary art: € 5K
- Levine Family Foundation – London : € 38K
- The Waterloo Foundation – London : € 23K
- Synchronicity Earth – London: € 26K
BLOOM also thanks the following companies for their support: Frojal SA, Brigand des Mers, Sport Heroes, SAS GININI, CGR Les Minimes, Hill Lake Productions & Colline Hill, SUPER!
Annual report available here.
BLOOM’s 2018 operating expenses are € 720K and operating income is € 1,045K.
BLOOM’s income breaks down as follows: 63.8% from donations from individuals and skills sponsorship, 28.5% from Foundations and 7.7% from SMEs or VSEs with a strong CSR responsibility.
In 2018, BLOOM thanks the following foundations for their generous support, which represents 28.5% of BLOOM’s funding:
- Fondation Ensemble: support of € 20K for the Fishing Agreements programme
- Lemarchand Foundation: € 20K
- Nature & Découvertes Foundation: € 30K support for the “Défi des Foulées” event
- AnBer Foundation: € 10K
- Humus Foundation: support of € 5K for the Subsidies programme
- 1% FOR THE PLANET EVENT on 10 October 2018:
- 1% for the Planet Collective: funding of € 15K (Léa Nature Foundation, 1% for the Planet, Maisons du Monde Foundation, Vrai / Triballat Group, Humus Foundation, Les Petits Radis, Connected Beauties, We4Planet)
- Ekodoo (Ekibio group): € 5K
- Cabestan Foundation: € 10K
- Oak Foundation – Geneva: € 127K
- Georg Waetcher Memorial Foundation – Geneva : € 35K
- The Waterloo Foundation – London: € 23K
- Funding Fish – London: € 10K
BLOOM’s 2017 budget was € 451K.
BLOOM’s income breaks down as follows: 75.6% from individual donations and skills sponsorship, 24.3% from Foundations and 0.1% from product sales.
In 2017, BLOOM thanks the following foundations for their generous support:
- Fondation Ensemble: support of € 20K
- Humus Foundation: support of € 3K
- Lemarchand Foundation: support of € 25K
- Léa Nature Foundation: support of € 5K
- 2050 Foundation: support of € 52K
- Meyer Louis-Dreyfus Fund: support of € 10K
- Synchronicity Earth : support of € 25K
- Cabestan Foundation: support of € 10K
- Endowment fund for Animaux Sauvages : support of € 10K
- 1% For The Planet France Endowment Fund: support of € 3K
2017 was once again an extraordinary year for our small team in terms of workload, campaigns carried out and steps taken in the fight against destructive fishing methods. 2017 will go down in history as the beginning of a long fight to get the European Union to put an end to the scandalous exemptions allowing electric fishing.
Annual report available here.
BLOOM’s budget in 2016 amounted to € 364K. BLOOM’s income is broken down as follows: 76% from individual donations and skills sponsorship, 16% from Foundations and 8% from product sales.
BLOOM thanks the following foundations for their generous support in 2016:
- The Pew Charitable Trusts: support of € 13K
- Humus Foundation: support of € 2.5K
- Léa Nature Foundation: support of € 10K
- 2050 Foundation: support of € 42K
- Endowment Fund for Wild Animals: support of € 15K
Annual report available here.
Check out our 10-year anniversary leaflet here!
BLOOM’s budget in 2015 was € 419K. BLOOM’s income is broken down as follows: 79% from individual donations, 13% from Foundations and 9% from sponsorship of skills.
BLOOM thanks the following foundations for their generous support:
- The Pew Charitable Trusts: support of € 40K
- Humus Foundation: support of € 2K
Annual report available here.
Check out our 10-year anniversary leaflet here!
BLOOM’s budget in 2014 amounted to € 318K. BLOOM’s income is broken down as follows: 52% from individual donations, 41% from Foundations, 7% from the company Lush with the profits generated by the sale of the Lush Charity Pot for BLOOM.
BLOOM thanks the following foundations for their generous support:
- The Pew Charitable Trust: support of € 68K
- Pig Shed Trust: support of € 22K
- Synchronicity Earth: support of € 18K
BLOOM has partnered with 1% For The Planet, which is one of the most important sources of funding for environmental protection in the world. Since the creation of this movement, 42 million dollars have been donated to more than 1,780 associations worldwide. With 60 corporate members, France is experiencing significant growth in membership of this unique collective of companies, associations and individuals.
You can support us through the 1% For The Planet here.
Annual report available here.
BLOOM’s budget in 2013 amounted to € 225K. BLOOM’s income is broken down as follows: 57% from donations from individuals, 43% from donations from Foundations.
BLOOM thanks the following foundations for their generous support:
- Synchronicity Earth: support of € 53K
- ADM Capital Foundation: support of € 7K
- AKUO Energy Foundation: support of € 15K
We would also like to thank the Alliance Orchestra and H.Tax Planners for the concert organised in favour of BLOOM, as well as the many individual donors for their support.
Annual report available here.
BLOOM’s budget in 2012 amounted to € 79K. BLOOM’s income is broken down as follows: 60% from individual donations, 29% from public funds and just over 9% from commercial income.
BLOOM is grateful to the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy for the funding it has provided.
BLOOM did not receive any funding from foundations in 2012.
Annual report available here.
BLOOM’s budget in 2011 amounted to € 195K. BLOOM’s income is broken down as follows: 61% foundation funding, 28% public funding, 8% individual donations and 4% commercial income.
BLOOM thanks the following organisations for their generous support:
- Kaplan
- Pew Charitable Trusts
- Millipede
- Nicolas Hulot Foundation
- Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy
Annual report available here.
Find BLOOM on the European Parliament’s Transparency Register
“It is increasingly difficult to ignore the fact that the ocean is relentlessly losing its extraordinary resources because it is overexploited, polluted and impacted by climate change. In this worrying context, BLOOM is pursuing its flagship issue: destructive fishing methods and subsidies to the fishing industry, by conducting research programmes, legislative fieldwork, and actions aimed at the general public, political decision-makers and economic actors.”
Claire Nouvian, founder of BLOOM