08 September 2013

Declaration of support: Protect the deep sea from destructive fishing
08 September 2013
We, the undersigned, represent the concerned public and include artisanal fishers, development and environmental organisations, and other stakeholders. We share a common interest in restoring Europe’s deep-sea fish populations and ensuring the long-term conservation of deep-sea ecosystems. To that end, we support the prevention of adverse impacts on deep-sea ecosystems, which can be accomplished in large part by phasing out destructive fishing practices and requiring impact assessments for all deep-sea fisheries.
The European Union (EU) has one of the world’s largest deep-sea fishing fleets. There is already widespread evidence that deep-sea bottom trawling has significantly damaged deep-sea ecosystems, including coral reefs, sponge gardens and seamounts, and caused serious declines in deep-sea fish populations. We urge EU decision makers to take a strong and constructive role in protecting deep-sea ecosystems both within and outside EU waters.
We seek a clear mandate from EU policymakers for sustainable management of deep-sea resources. To date, legislation enacted by EU Member States has been insufficient to protect the vulnerable marine ecosystems of the deep sea from the adverse impacts of destructive fishing gear, primarily deep-sea bottom trawling. Despite the introduction of new regulations to curb overfishing, deep-sea fish populations are seriously depleted in the Northeast Atlantic and the catch of most species continues to be unregulated!
We applaud the European Commission’s ]uly 19, 2012, proposal to reform the deep sea access regime-specifically the provision that requires a phase-out of bottom trawling and bottom gillnet fishing for deep-sea species within two years.2 The proposal rightly integrates EU commitments to protect the deep sea made over the past decade at the United Nations General Assembly and at the Iune 2012 Rio+20 Earth Summit.3 We urge the EU Council and Members of Parliament to honour those commitments by supporting the Commission proposal to overhaul its deep-sea fisheries.
We also support the current proposal which allows artisanal fishers who use selective fishing methods and gear to target species at levels that do not exceed scientific advice to continue to fish the deep sea sustainably and profitably. Artisanal fishers make important contributions to the social, economic and cultural fabric of Europe’s coastal communities in some of Europe’s outermost and deep-sea fishery dependent regions.
We call on European Union decision makers to transform deep-sea policy by:
1. Ending destructive fishing practices through a mandatory phase-out of bottom trawling and bottom gillnet fishing for deep-sea species within two years;
2. Requiring prior impact assessments for all deep-sea fisheries;
3. Ensuring that fishing be permitted only if the catch, including any bycatch, can be limited to sustainable levels based on a clear scientific understanding of the species impacted, and that deep-sea fisheries are managed to minimize or prevent the catch of vulnerable, threatened, or endangered species;
4. Ensuring that all deep-sea fisheries are managed to prevent adverse impacts on deep-sea ecosystems such as deep-sea coral, sponge and seamount ecosystems.
1 ICES. 2010. Status of fish stocks managed by the Community in the Northeast Atlantic. Book 11.
2 Proposal for a Regulation ofthe European Parliament and ofthe Council establishing specific conditions to fishing for deep-sea stocks in the North-East Atlantic
and provisions for fishing in international waters ofthe North-East Atlantic and repealing Regulation (EC) No 2347/2002. Brussels, 19.7.2012 COM(2012) 371
final 2012/0179 (COD).
3 UNGA Resolution 61/105 (2006),64/72 (2009) and 66/88 (2011). Sustainable fisheries resolutions, including through the 1995 Agreement for the
Implementation of the Provisions ofthe United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of
Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, and related instruments. United Nations General Assembly.
Nb | First Name / Prénom | Surname / Nom | Organization / Organisation | Country / Pays |
1 | Octavio | Aburto | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
2 | Miguel | Alcaraz | Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) | Spain |
3 | Diva | Amon | School of Ocean and Earth Science University of Southampton | UK |
5 | Malte | Andersson | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
6 | Staffan | Andersson | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
7 | Nathan | Andrews | University of Rhode Island | USA |
8 | Vahagn | Antonyan | University of California, San Diego | USA |
9 | Tom | Appleby | University of the West of England | UK |
10 | Rochelle | Aran | University of California, San Diego | USA |
11 | Jeff | Ardron | Institute for Advanced Studies in Sustainability, Potsdam, Germany | Germany |
12 | Rosana | Arizmendi-Mejia | University of Barcelona | Spain |
13 | Sophie | Arnaud-Haond | Ifremer Sète | France |
14 | Peter J. | Auster | University of Connecticut | USA |
15 | Lawrence | Bailey | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
16 | David | Bailey | University of Glasgow | UK |
17 | Scott | Baker | Oregon State University | USA |
18 | Andrew | Baker | University of Miami | USA |
19 | Maria | Baker | University of Southampton, school of oceans and earth sciences | UK |
20 | Katie | Barott | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
21 | Ana | Barreira | Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Medio Ambiente (IIDMA) | Spain |
22 | Flegra | Bentivegna | Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn | Italy |
23 | Matz | Berggren | Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences | Sweden |
24 | Melanie | Bergmann | Alfred Wegener institute for polar and marine research | Germany |
25 | Brian J. | Bett | National Oceanography Centre, National Environment Research Council, Southampton | UK |
26 | Christiane | Biermann | Portland State University | USA |
27 | David | Billett | Deep Seas Environmental Solutions | UK |
28 | Hans | Blanck | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
29 | Catheryne | Boel | University of Rhode Island | USA |
30 | Dee | Boersma | University of Washington | USA |
31 | Gilles | Bœuf | Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle | France |
32 | Oscar | Bos | IMARES | Netherlands |
33 | Massimiliano | Bottaro | GRIS – Gruppo Ricercatori Italiani sugli Squali razze e chimere | Italy |
34 | Philippe | Bouchet | Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle | France |
35 | Sarah J. | Bourlat | University of Gothenburg Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences | Sweden |
36 | Angelika | Brandt | University of Hamburg | Germany |
37 | Karine | Bresolin De Souza | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
38 | Sandra | Brooke | Florida State University, Coastal and Marine Lab | USA |
39 | Ellen | Bruno | Swedish Society for Nature Conservation | Sweden |
40 | Gregor | Cailliet | Moss Landing Marine Laboratories | USA |
41 | Heather | Cannaby | Middle East Technical University, Institute of Marine Sciences | Turkey |
42 | Dominique | Cano-Stocco | University of California, San Diego | USA |
43 | Liz | Carlile | International Institute of Environment and Development | UK |
44 | Kristina | Cary | University of California, San Diego | USA |
45 | Anthony | Charles | St. Mary’s University | Canada |
46 | Grégory | Charrier, | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
47 | Lanna | Cheng | University of California San Diego | USA |
48 | Dorothy | Childers | Alaska Marine Conservation Council | USA |
49 | Emily | Chou | University of California, San Diego | USA |
50 | Villy | Christensen | University of British Columbia Fisheries Centre | Canada |
51 | Bernd | Christiansen | University of Hamburg | Germany |
52 | Simon | Claus | Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee vzw, Flanders Marine Institute | Belgium |
53 | Samantha | Clements | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
54 | Felicia | Coleman | Florida State University | USA |
55 | Charles Oliver | Coleman | Museum fuer Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut fuer Evolutions- und Biodiversitaetsforschung | Germany |
56 | Joan B. | Company | Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) | Spain |
57 | Taylor | Cook | Mississippi Alumni and Students for Sustainability | USA |
58 | Hanna | Corell | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
59 | João | Correia | Associação Portuguesa para o Estudo e Conservação dos Elasmobrânquios (APECE) | Portugal |
60 | Sophie | Cousens | Plymouth University | UK |
61 | Larry | Crowder | Stanford University – Hopkins Marine Station | USA |
62 | Benjamin | Cuker | Hampton University | USA |
63 | Sarika | Cullis-Suzuki | University of York | UK |
64 | Philippe | Cury | Institut de Recherche et Développement IRD | France |
65 | Daphné | Cuvelier | Ifremer | France |
66 | Jan | Czerny | GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel | Germany |
67 | Cédric | d’Udekem d’Acoz | Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences | Belgium |
68 | Mikael | Dahl | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
69 | Thomas | Dahlgren | University of Bergen | Norway |
70 | Russell | Dauksis | University of Rhode Island | USA |
71 | Dominique | Davoult | Université Paris 6 UPMC | France |
72 | Stacey | De Amicis | Plymouth University | UK |
73 | Ben | De Mol | Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) | Spain |
74 | Omar | Defeo | Universidad de la Republica | Uruguay |
75 | Sophie | Delerue | Roscoff Marine Biological Station | Fr |
76 | Monica | Demetriou | Archipelagos, Institute of Marine Conservation | Greece |
77 | Danielle | Denley | Dalhousie University | Australia |
78 | Bruno | Diaz Lopez | Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI | Italy |
79 | Penny | Dockey | University of California San Diego | USA |
80 | Kelly | Dorgan | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
81 | Jeff | Drazen | University of Hawaii Department of oceonography | USA |
82 | Cédric | Dudekem | Royal Belgian institute of natural sciences | Belgium |
83 | Daniel | Dunn | Duke University Marine Lab | USA |
84 | Jennifer | Durden | University of Southampton, school of oceans and earth sciences | UK |
85 | James E. | Eckman | California Sea Grant Program | USA |
86 | Olaf | Eisen | Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung | Germany |
87 | Ivar | Ekeland | University of Paris-Dauphine, Former President | France |
88 | Andreas | Ekström | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
89 | Martin | Eriksson | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
90 | Brad | Erisman | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
91 | Elva g. | Escobar-Briones | Universidad nacional autonoma de Mexico | Mexico |
92 | James | Estes | University of California Santa Cruz | USA |
93 | Marta | Estrada | Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) | Spain |
94 | Emanuela | Fanelli | Marine Environment Research Centre ENEA – Santa Teresa | Italy |
95 | Samantha | Fanshawe | Marine Conservation Society | UK |
96 | Carlos | Farias | Instituto Español de Oceanografía | Spain |
97 | Phillip | Fenberg | Oregon State University | USA |
98 | Ryan | Fields | Moss Landing Marine Laboratories | USA |
99 | Megan | Flaherty | University of California, San Diego | USA |
100 | Alyson | Fleming | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
101 | Clive | Fox | Ecology Department, Scottish Association for Marine Science, Scottish Marine Institute | UK |
102 | Alex | Francoeur | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
103 | John | Fraser | Asian Pacific Academy of Science, Education and Environmental Management | USA |
104 | Sarah | Frias-Torres | Smithsonian National Museum Natural History | USA |
105 | Christina | Frieder | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
106 | Rainer | Froese | GEOMAR Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research | Germany |
107 | Natalya | Gallo | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
108 | Eva | Garcia Isarch | Instituto Español de Oceanografía | Spain |
109 | Anders Lydik | Garm | Department of Biology, Marine Biological Section, Anders, Københavns Universitet | Denmark |
110 | Kajsa | Garpe | Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) | Sweden |
111 | Joan | Gonzalvo Villegas | Tethys Research Institute | Italy |
112 | Adriana | Gracia | Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras, Museo de Historia Natural Marina de Colombia | Colombia |
113 | Benjamin | Grupe | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
114 | Megan | Grupe | University of California San Diego | USA |
115 | John | Guinotte | Marine conservation Institute, Seattle | USA |
116 | Manuela | Gusky | Alfred Wegener institute for polar and marine research | Germany |
117 | Tony | Gutierrez | Heriot-Watt University, School of Life Sciences | UK |
118 | Steven | Haddock | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | USA |
119 | Richard L. | Haedrich | Memorial University St John’s, Newfoundland | Canada |
120 | Jonas | Hagemann | Alfred Wegener institute for polar and marine research | Germany |
121 | Dan | Harries | University of Southampton, school of oceans and earth sciences | UK |
122 | Auron | Hartmann | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
123 | Carolin | Haug | University of Munich | Germany |
124 | Joachim | Haug | University of Munich | Germany |
125 | Vreni | Haussermann | Huinay Scientific Field Station, Chile | Chile |
126 | Emily | Haws | University of Rhode Island | USA |
127 | Andrei | Herdean | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
128 | Nicholas | Higgs | Marine Institute, Plymouth University | UK |
129 | Mark | Hixon | University of Hawaii | USA |
130 | Jens T. | Hoeg | University of Copenhagen | Denmark |
131 | Nicholas D. | Holland | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
132 | Sara | Hornborg | The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology | Sweden |
133 | Jo | Hoyer | University of Bergen | Norway |
134 | Erich | Hoyt | Global Critical Habitat Marine Protected Area Programme | USA |
135 | Nick | Humphries | Marine Biological Association | UK |
136 | Veerle | Huvenne | National Oceanography Centre European Way Southampton | UK |
137 | Kayla | Hyman | University of New Hampshire | USA |
138 | Jeroen | Ingels | Plymouth Marine Laboratory | UK |
139 | Jeremy | Jackson | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
140 | Dorte | Janussen | Research Institute and Nature Museum Senckenberg | Germany |
141 | Rachel | Jeffreys | University of Liverpool | UK |
142 | Justin | Johnson | University of California, San Diego | USA |
143 | Lisbeth | Jonsson | University of Gothenburg Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences | Sweden |
144 | Pete | Jumars | University of Maine | USA |
145 | Argyris | Kallianiotis | Fisheries research institute, Kavala | Greece |
146 | Vasiliki | Kalogeropoulou | Hellenic center for marine research | Greece |
147 | Claudia | Kamcke | Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum Braunschweig | Germany |
148 | Kostas | Kapiris | Hellenic center for marine research | Greece |
149 | Eric | Keen | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
150 | Elisabeth | Keenan | University of California San Diego | USA |
151 | Christopher | Kelley | Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory | USA |
152 | Ahmet | Kideis | Middle East Technical University, Institute of Marine Sciences | Turkey |
153 | Therese | Kihlberg | Swedish Elasmobranch Society | Sweden |
154 | Rainer | Kiko | GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel | Germany |
155 | Stacy | Kim | Moss Landing Marine Laboratories | USA |
156 | Michelle | Kim | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
157 | Manuel | Kleiner | Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology | Germany |
158 | Donna | Kline | California State University, Monterey Bay | USA |
159 | Cheryl | Knowland | University of Queensland | Australia |
160 | Peter | Kohnert | Bavarian Zoological State Collection (ZSM) | Germany |
161 | J. Anthony | Koslow | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
162 | Ralf | Kosma | Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum Braunschweig | Germany |
163 | Franz | Krapp | Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum | Germany |
164 | Heather | Krish | University of California, San Diego | USA |
165 | Kerstin | Kröger | University of Southampton / NABU – Naturschutzbund Deutschland | UK / Germany |
166 | Peter | Kyne | Charles Darwin University | Australia |
167 | Claire | Laguionie-Marchais | National Oceanography Centre, DeepSeas Group, Natural History Museum of London | UK |
168 | Peter | Lamont | Scottish Association for Marine Sciences (SAMS) | Scotland |
169 | Nikolaos | Lampadariou | Hellenic center for marine research | Greece |
170 | Nicholas | Lannacone | University of Rhode Island | USA |
171 | Boaz | Lazar | The Fredy and Nadine Hermann Institute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew University | Israel |
172 | Daniel | Leduc | National institute of water and atmospheric research | New Zealand |
173 | James | Leichter | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
174 | Marie | Levine | Shark Research Institute | USA |
175 | Elyse | Levy | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
176 | Sigrid | Liede-Schumann | University of Bayreuth | Germany |
177 | Emelie | Lindquist | Gothenburg University | Sweden |
178 | Dhugal | Lindsay | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology | Japan |
179 | Fabio | Lopez Matos | Universidade de Aveiro, departamento de biologia & CESAM | Portugal |
180 | Heike | Lotze | Dalhousie University | Canada |
181 | Carsten | Lueter | Museum fuer Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut fuer Evolutions- und Biodiversitaetsforschung | Germany |
182 | Kennet | Lundin | Göteborg Natural History Museum | Sweden |
183 | Anders | Lydik Garm | University of Copenhagen, Biologisk Institut | Denmark |
184 | John | Lynham | University of Hawaii | USA |
185 | Catia Marina | Machado Monteiro | University of Ghent | Belgium |
186 | Maura | Maida | Federal University of Pernambuco | Brasil |
187 | Patricia | Majluf | Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia | Peru |
188 | Helene | Marsh | James Cook University | Australia |
189 | Jacobo | Martin | Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) | Spain |
190 | Pablo | Martin-Sosa Rodriguez | Instituto Español de Oceanografía | Spain |
191 | Hiroyuri | Matsuda | Yokohama National University | Japan |
192 | Hermann | Mattes | Institut für Landschaftsökologie | Germany |
193 | Marianne | Matzke | Centre for Ecology and Hydrology | UK |
194 | Gerard | McCarthy | University of Southampton, school of oceans and earth sciences | UK |
195 | Adria | Melendez Catalan | Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) | Spain |
196 | Anne | Mercier | Memorial University, Ocean Sciences Centre | Canada |
197 | Julia | Merkel | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität | Germany |
198 | Ariana | Merlino | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
199 | Nuria | Mestre | Universidade de Aveiro | Portugal |
200 | Nélia C | Mestre | Universidade de Aveiro | Portugal |
201 | Anna | Metaxas | Dalhousie University | Canada |
202 | Kirstin | Meyer | University of Oregon | USA |
203 | Anastasia | Miliou | Archipelagos, Institute of Marine Conservation | Greece |
204 | Mohammed | Mofizur Rahman | Pohang ocean science and technology institute | South Corea |
205 | Tina | Molodtsova | Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS | Russia |
206 | Catia | Monteiro | University of Ghent | Belgium |
207 | Francesc | Montserrat | Department of Ecosystem Studies, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research | Netherlands |
208 | Filipe | Mora Porteiro | University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography and Fisheries | Portugal |
209 | Telmo | Morato | University of the Azores, Portugal MAY BE DUPLICATE PLEASE CHECK | Portugal |
210 | Marcia | Moreno | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
211 | Lance | Morgan | Marine Conservation Institute, Seattle | USA |
212 | Kirsty | Morris | University of Southampton, school of oceans and earth sciences | UK |
213 | Rachel | Morrison | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
214 | Alexandra | Muellner-Riehl | University of Leipzig | Germany |
215 | Stephan | Murch | University of California Santa Cruz | USA |
216 | Carlos | Neira | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
217 | Birger | Neuhaus | Museum fuer Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut fuer Evolutions- und Biodiversitaetsforschung | Germany |
218 | Helen | Nilsson Sköld | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
219 | Ole Gorm | Norden Andersen | Aarhus University | Denmark |
220 | Elliott | Norse | Marine conservation Institute, Seattle | USA |
221 | Greg | Nowell | Sharklab | Bosnia Herzegovina |
222 | Clifton | Nunnally | University of Hawaii, Department of oceanography | USA |
223 | Thomas | Oakey | University of Victoria, Canada School of Environmental Studies | Canada |
224 | Matthias | Obst | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
225 | John C. | Ogden | University of South Florida | USA |
226 | Kirsten L.L. | Oleson | University of Hawaii | USA |
227 | Silvia | Opitz | GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel | Germany |
228 | Michael | Orbach | Duke University Marine Lab | USA |
229 | Alexei | Orlov | Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries & Oceanography | Russia |
230 | Henrik | Osterblom | Stockholm University | Sweden |
231 | Robert T. | Paine | University of Washington, Seattle Department of Biology | USA |
232 | Isabel | Palomera | Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) | Spain |
233 | Michalis | Papacharidemou | Nireas Marine Research | Cyprus |
234 | Stefanoudis | Paris Vasileios | University of Southampton, school of oceans and earth sciences | UK |
235 | Priscilla | Parker | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
236 | Ian | Parker | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
237 | Camila | Pauda | University of California, San Diego | USA |
238 | Daniel | Pauly | University of British Columbia Fisheries Centre | Canada |
239 | Charles | Peterson | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | USA |
240 | Ellen | Pikitch | Stony Brook University | USA |
241 | Marcos | Portabella | Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) | Spain |
242 | Marie | Portail | Ifremer Brest | France |
243 | Natalie | Posdaljian | University of California San Diego | USA |
244 | Nichole | Price | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
245 | Eva | Ramirez-Llodra | Marine Sciences Institute, ICM-CSIC | Spain |
246 | Susan | Randerson | University of California San Diego | USA |
247 | Ascensao | Ravara | Universidade de Aveiro | Portugal |
248 | Ascensão | Ravara | Universidade de Aveiro | Portugal |
249 | Tobias | Reich | University of Ulm | Germany |
250 | Aurora | Requena Gutiérrez | Associació Catalana d´Oceanògrafes i Oceanògrafs (ACOIO) | Spain |
251 | Bertrand | Richer de Forges | Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle | France |
252 | Robert | Richmond | Univeristy of Hawaii | USA |
253 | Alison | Rieser | University of Hawaii | USA |
254 | Anna-Karin | Ring | University of Gothenburg Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences | Germany |
255 | J.Murray | Roberts | Heriot-watt University, center for marine biodiversity and biotechnology | UK |
256 | Callum | Roberts | University of York | UK |
257 | Ana | Rodriguez | University of Ghent | Belgium |
258 | Fabian | Roger | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
259 | Alex | Rogers | University of Oxford Department of Zoology | UK |
260 | Zeneida | Romero | Instituto Español de Oceanografía | Spain |
261 | Armin | Rose | BioConsult SH GmbH & Co. KG | Germany |
262 | Rebecca | Ross | Plymouth University | UK |
263 | Greg | Rouse | University of California San Diego | USA |
264 | Jose Luis | Rueda | Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga, Instituto Español de Oceanografía | Spain |
265 | Vanessa Marceline | Salcido | University of California San Diego | USA |
266 | Francisco | Sardà | Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) | Spain |
267 | Megan | Saunders | University of Queensland | Australia |
268 | Rachel | Schackne | University of Rhode Island | USA |
269 | Robert | Scheibling | Dalhousie University | Canada |
270 | Laura | Schwabe | University of Hamburg, Biocentre Grindel and Zoological Museum | Germany |
271 | Brad | Seibel | University of Rhode Island | USA |
272 | Thomas | Shirley | Harte Research Institute & Life Sciences Dept.,Texas A&M Univ | USA |
273 | Carine | Simon | Marine science institute CSIC | Spain |
274 | Rebekah | Simpson | Plymouth University | UK |
275 | Anne | Simpson | University of Maine | USA |
276 | Ann | Simpson | University of Maine | USA |
277 | Margaret | Siple | University of Washington | USA |
278 | Martin | Skarsvåg | University of Bergen | Norway |
279 | Jennifer | Smith | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
280 | Craig R. | Smith | University of Hawaii | USA |
281 | Montserrat | Sole | Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) | Spain |
282 | Kaylee | Stanton | University of Rhode Island | USA |
283 | John | Starmer | University of Florida | USA |
284 | Levi | Steel Lewis | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
285 | Robert | Steneck | University of Maine | USA |
286 | Susanna | Strömberg | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
287 | Rashid | Sumaila | University of British Columbia Fisheries Centre | Canada |
288 | Michelle | Taylor | University of Oxford, Department of Zoology | UK |
289 | Richard | Ticehurst | Plymouth University | UK |
290 | Derek | Tittensor | Dalhousie University | Canada |
291 | Tina | Treude | GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel | Germany |
292 | Anastasios | Tselepides | Univ. of Piraeus, Dept. of Maritime Studies | Greece |
293 | Leonardo | Tunesi | Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research ISPRA | Italy |
294 | Verena | Tunnicliffe | University of Victoria, biology and earth/ ocean sciences | Canada |
295 | Ozge | Tutar | Institute of marine sciences, Middle East Technical University | Turkey |
296 | Peter | Tyedmers | Dalhousie University | Canada |
297 | Jessica | Umansky | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
298 | Victor | Vacquier | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
299 | Sergio | Vallina | Marine Sciences Institute (ICM – CSIC) | Spain |
300 | Rob | Van Soest | Naturalis Biodiversity Center | Netherlands |
301 | Chirstine | Vanhamme | University of California San Diego | USA |
302 | Ann | Vanreusel | University of Ghent | Belgium |
303 | Adriana | Verges | University of New South Wales | Australia |
304 | Magda | Vila | Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) | Spain |
305 | Sebastian | Villasante | University of Santiago de Compostela-Galicia | Spain |
306 | Marcelo | Visentini Kitahara | Universidade de São Paulo, Centro de Biologia Marinha | Brasil |
307 | Tage | Vowles | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
308 | Tage | Vowles | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
309 | Rhian | Waller | University of Maine | USA |
310 | Rhian | Waller | University of Maine | USA |
311 | Dieter | Waloszek | University of Ulm | Germany |
312 | Les | Watling | University of Hawaii | USA |
313 | Ida | Wendt | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
314 | Wilfried | Westheide | Osnabrueck University | Germany |
315 | Laura | Wicks | Heriot-Watt University, School of Life Sciences | UK |
316 | Helena | Wiklund | Natural History Museum, London | UK |
317 | Tomas | Willems | Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO) | Belgium |
318 | Danielle | Williams | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | USA |
319 | Gray A. | Williams | University of Hong Kong | USA |
320 | James | Wilson | Trinity College Dublin, Zoology Dept. | Ireland |
321 | Boris | Worm | Dalhousie University | Canada |
322 | Mary | Yang | San Diego Natural History Museum | USA |
323 | Zuzana | Zajkova | University of Barcelona, faculty of biology | Spain |
324 | Pusceddu | Antonio | Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona | Italy |
325 | Danovaro | Roberto | Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona | Italy |
Organization | Surname | First Name | Country represented |
40+ Fishing Boat Association | Smylie | Mike | United Kingdom |
5 Terre Academy | D’Imporzano | Leonardo | Italy |
ADEPEG-CPA | Sandouno | Mamayawa | External |
Ailerons | Ziani | Nicolas | France |
AIMARES | Ambrosio | Luis | Spain |
An Taisce (National Trust for Ireland) | Keane | Camilla | Ireland |
Archipelagos, Institute of Marine Conservation | Demetriou | Monica | Greece |
Archipelagos, Institute of Marine Conservation | Miliou | Anastasia | Greece |
Asociacion de Armadores de Artes Menores de Catalunya (ADAMEC) | Tarridas | Ramon | Spain |
Asociación Mar de Tierras | Fernandez Corbacho | Cristina | Spain |
Asociacion Posidonia MED | Trivelli | Matteo | Spain |
Associação Portuguesa para o Estudo e Conservação dos Elasmobrânquios (APECE) | Correia | João | Portugal |
Associació Catalana d´Oceanògrafes i Oceanògrafs (ACOIO) | Requena Gutiérrez | Aurora | Spain |
Ateneu Juvenil, Cultural i Naturalista de Girona | Rost Bagudanch | Josep | Spain |
Bangladesh Young Environment Initiative | Rahman | Mofizur | Bangladesh |
Birdlife International | Karhu | Johanna | UK |
Birdwatch Ireland | Egan | Siobhán | Ireland |
Black Sea NGO Network | Gileva | Emma | International |
BLOOM Association | Nouvian | Claire | France |
Blue Ventures | Harris | Alasdair | United Kingdom |
Bond Beter Leefmilieu | Cloots | Lieze | Belgium |
Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI | Diaz Lopez | Bruno | Italy |
Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation, Kingston, Jamaica | Espeut | Peter | Jamaica |
Centre d’Etudes pour le Développement d’une Pisciculture Autonome (CEDEPA) | Benoist | Philippe | France |
Centre d’Etude, de Recherche-Action et d’Appuis pour le Développement (CERAD) | Edjossan | Epiphane | International |
Centro de Investigaciones Ecosistemas de Costeros | Pina Amargos | Fabian | Cuba |
Charles Darwin Foundation, Galapagos Islands | Bustamante | Rodrigo | International |
Clean up Greece | Manolopoulou | Carla | Greece |
Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) | Höglund | Nils | International |
Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) | Norén | Gunnar | Sweden |
Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements (CFFA) | Bours | Hélène | International |
Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements (CFFA) | Gorez | Beatrice | International |
Coastwatch Europe | Dubsky | Karin | Ireland |
Collectif Bar Européen | Beaucher | Stéphan | France |
Collectif Bar Européen | Dechene | André | France |
Community of Arran Seabed Trust Limited | Wood | Howard | United Kingdom |
Confédération Africaine des Organisations de Pêche Artisanale (CAOPA) | Gueye | Gaoussou | Senegal |
Confraria de Pescadors de Sitges | del Campo | Enrique | Spain |
Conservation International | Stone | Greg | International |
Conservation Law Foundation | Shelley | Peter | USA |
Coral Cay Conservation | Raines | Peter | United Kingdom |
CRAM Foundation | Garçon | Julia | Spain |
CTS | Clò | Simona | Italy |
Danish Society for a Living Sea | Andersen | Knud | Denmark |
Danmarks Naturfredningsforening | Jørgensen | Henning | Denmark |
Deepwave | Gross | Onno | Germany |
Deutsche Umwelthilfe | Stöcker | Ulrich | Germany |
Deutsche Umwelthilfe | Wolff | Nina | Germany |
Din l-Art Helwa | Camilleri | George | Malta |
Dingle Oceanworld | Hegarty | Sarah | Ireland |
Earth Restoration Service | Kornevall | Andreas | United Kingdom |
Ecological Organisations Network of the Aegean Sea | Xenos | Konstantinos | Greece |
Ecologistas en Acción | Martín-Sosa | Samuel | Spain |
Ecologistas en Accion | Morote | Elvira | Spain |
Eko-Unia | Gawlik | Radosław | Poland |
Eko-Unia | LEŚ | EWA | Poland |
Environmental Defense Fund | Landman | Jessica | USA |
Estonian Sportfishing Federation | Tõnsberg | Endrik | Estonia |
EuroNatur | Spangenberg | Annette | Germany |
Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED) | Mari | Francisco | Germany |
Expédition M.E.D | Dumontet | Bruno | France |
Fair Oceans | Kaschinski | Kai | Germany |
Fédération Francaise d’Etudes et de Sports Sous Marins – (FFESSM) | Dumas | Jacques | France |
Finnish Association for Nature Conservation | Veistola | Tapani | Finland |
fish4tomorrow | Farrugia | JD | Malta |
Fishing For Jobs | Shine | John | Ireland |
Fondation Nicolas Hulot | Hulot | Nicolas | France |
Fondazione Cetacea | Affronte | Marco | Italy |
Foundation Green Institute | Grabiec | Jakub | Poland |
Foundation Green Institute | Szwed | Dariusz | Poland |
Frankie’s Fish & Chips | Gold | John | United Kingdom |
Fundació ENT | Ortega Cerdà | Miquel | Spain |
Fundación Lonxanet para la Pesca Sostenible | Montero | Miriam | Spain |
Fundación Lonxanet para la Pesca Sostenible / Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori | Cavallé | Marta | Spain |
Fundacja Naszej Strony | Kos | Ewa | Poland |
Fundacja Sprzatanie Świata – Polska | Lasocka | Anita | Poland |
Galway Atlantaquaria | O’Hara | Kevin | Ireland |
Gas Pavia | Co | Cristina | Italy |
Gesellschaft zum Schutz der Meeressäugetiere e.V. (GSM) | Deimer | Petra | Germany |
Gesellschaft zur Rettung der Delphine | Karlowski | Ulrich | Germany |
Gesellschaft zur Rettung der Delphine e.V. | Gebhard | Rollo | Germany |
Global Greengrants Fund | Bo | Wen | USA |
Global Penguin Society | Borboroglu | Pablo Garcia | Argentina |
Greek Rescue Team | Tsideris | Christos | Greece |
Greenhouse Malta | Debono | Anthony | Malta |
GreenLife | Galluzzo | Fabio | Italy |
Greenpeace France | |||
Greenpeace International | |||
GRIS – Gruppo Ricercatori Italini sugli Squali razze e chimere | Bottaro | Massimiliano | Italy |
Grupo de Estudos de Ordenamento do Territorio e Ambiente | Careto | Helder | Portugal |
Hampshire & isle of wight wildlife trust | Dale | Amy | UK |
Hastings Fishermen’s Protection Society | Joy | Paul | United Kingdom |
Humanité & Biodiversité | Reeves | Hubert | France |
Iberian biodiversity (IBBIO) | Sealey | Michael | Spain |
Iceland Nature Conservation Association | Finnsson | Arni | Iceland |
Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Medio Ambiente (IIDMA) | Barreira | Ana | Spain |
International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) | O’Riordan | Brian | International |
International Institute of Environment and Development | Carlile | Liz | United Kingdom |
International School of Athens | Yannacopoulou | Beatrice | Greece |
Irish Bass | Quinlan | John | Ireland |
Irish Kayak Angling Club | Griffin | John | Ireland |
Irish Seal Sanctuary | Price | Brendan | Ireland |
Irish Wildlife Trust | Fogarty | Pádraic | Ireland |
Irish Wildlife Trust | Pender | Joanne | Ireland |
Irukandji Aquatik Films | Xicota | Ester | Spain |
Italian Federation of Spearfishing (FIPIA) | Calvenzi | Fulvio | Italy |
IUCN | Laffoley | Dan | International |
Kalipso | Kauppaymuthoo | Vassen | Mauritius |
Kenna EcoDiving | Rosier | Gaynor | Spain |
Klub Gaja | Bożek | Jacek | Poland |
Klub Gaja | Migdał | Jolanta | Poland |
Latvian Anglers Association | Birkovs | Alvis | Latvia |
Legambiente | Venneri | Sebastiano | Italy |
Legambiente Onlus | Barbera | Federica | Italy |
Libertas International | Carrion | Cristina | Spain |
Liffeysound Radio | kavanagh | Patrick | Ireland |
Lighthouse Foundation | Ambsdorf | Jens | Germany |
Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux | Duncan | Alison | France |
Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux | Ladiesse | Patrick | France |
Lithuanian Fund for Nature | Staponkus | Robertas | Lithuania |
Longitude181 | Krupka | Daniel | France |
LPN – Liga para a Proteccao da Natureza | Castel-Branco Paes | Sidonio | Portugal |
LPN – Liga para a Proteccao da Natureza | Sa | Rita | Portugal |
M.E.E.R. | Ritter | Fabian | Germany |
Marefondum | Alvaro Alejos | Roberto | Spain |
Marevivo | Maso | Serena | Italy |
Marevivo | Gentile | Laura | Italy |
Marine Conservation Society | Fanshawe | Samantha | United Kingdom |
Marine Network of Friends of the Earth, England Wales and Northern Ireland – MARINET | Eades | Stephen | United Kingdom |
MarViva | Jiminez | Jorge | Panama |
MarViva Panama | Pinzon | Zuleika | Panama |
Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles (Medasset) | Grimanis | Konstantinos | Greece |
Mediterrània Centre d’Iniciatives Ecològiques | Monteagudo | Maria | Spain |
MedSharks | de Sabata | Eleonora | Italy |
Micronesia Conservation Trust | Kostka | William | Micronesia |
Mission Blue | Earle | Sylvia | USA |
Moshi Moshi | Rohl | Nicky | United Kingdom |
National Artisanal Fishermen Federation of Mauritania (FNP Artisanal) | Abeid | Sid Ahmed | Mauritania |
National Geographic Society | Sala | Enric | USA |
National Sea Life Centre Bray | Ó Suilleabhain | Pat | Ireland |
Naturalists’ Club | Kotulak | Monika | Poland |
Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) | Detloff | Kim | Germany |
Nature Trust (Malta) | Cavlan | Attard | Malta |
Natuurpunt | Steenwegen | Chris | Belgium |
Nederlandse Elasmobranchen Vereniging | Kingma | Irene | Netherlands, The |
NEREO | Armas Bigarós | Ariadna | Spain |
New Economics Foundation | Esteban | Aniol | United Kingdom |
New Under Ten Fishermen’s Association | Percy | Jerry | United Kingdom |
Nireas Marine Research | Papacharidemou | Michalis | Cyprus |
Noé Conservation | Greth | Arnaud | France |
Noé Conservation | Poncelet | Peggy | France |
North West Traditional Fishermen | O’Donovan | Paul | Ireland |
Observatori de deute en la Globalització | Llistar | David | Spain |
Observatório do Mar dos Açores (OMA) | Pereira | José | Portugal |
Ocean Conservancy | Jones | Janis | USA |
Oceana | Hirshfield | Michael | USA |
Oceana in Europe | Pastor | Xavier | International |
OceanCare Switzerland | Lueber | Sigrid | Switzerland |
OceanInk | Hardt | Marah | USA |
Oceanográfica: Divulgación, Educación y Ciencia | Boyra López | Arturo | Spain |
Oceanus | Siniscalchi | Fabio | Italy |
Our Earth Foundation | Stanisławska-Meysztowicz | Mira | Poland |
People Uniting and Generating Aid for Development (PUGAD) | Lyduch | Einer | Denmark |
Pew Environment Group | Bellion | Uta | International |
Pew Environment Group | Goad | Vanessa | International |
Pew Environment Group | Knigge | Markus | International |
Pew Environment Group | Lieberman | Sue | International |
Pew Environment Group | Senni | Domitilla | International |
Pew Environment Group | Walker | Mike | International |
Plataforma para La Defensa del Litoral del Sureste de Gran Canaria | Santana Garcia | Oscar Manuel | Spain |
Polish Ecological Club | Gruszka | Piotr | Poland |
Polish Ecological Club | Polish Ecological Club | Polish Ecological Club | Polish Ecological Club |
Polish Society for the Protection of Birds | Flor | Isabella | Poland |
Poseidonion Grand Hotel | Vordonis | Antonis | Greece |
Pretoma | Arauz | Randall | Costa Rica |
Pro Wildlife e.V. | Altherr | Sandra | Germany |
Pro Wildlife e.V. | Freyer | Daniela | Germany |
Project Aware Foundation | Pleydell | Suzanne | International |
Protect the Sharks Foundation | Latridou | Rabea | Netherlands, The |
Reef Check | Heiss | Georg | Germany |
Réseau Cétacés | Guyomard | Sandra | France |
Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts (RSWT) | Edwards | Joan | United Kingdom |
Ruisaba | Abad | Marcos | Spain |
Samos Divers Association | Malagaris | Alexandros | Greece |
SCIAENA – Marine Sciences and Cooperation | Carvalho | Gonçalo | Portugal |
Scottish Creelers and Divers | Sinclair | Alistair | United Kingdom |
Scubadive West | Galvin | Deirdre | Ireland |
Sea First Foundation | Winkel | Dos | Netherlands |
Sea First Foundation | Wouters | Judith | Belgium and Netherlands |
Sea to Shore Alliance | Powell | James | U.S. |
Sea-Changers | Webb | Helen | United Kingdom |
Seas At Risk | Coelho | Vera | International |
Seas At Risk | Verbeek | Monica | International |
Share the World’s Resources | Makwana | Rajesh | United Kingdom |
Shark Angels France | Leloup | Florentine | France |
Shark Foundation | Godknecht | Alexander | Switzerland |
Shark Research Institute | Levine | Marie | US |
Shark Trust | Hood | Ali | United Kingdom |
Sharklab | Nowell | Greg | International |
Sharklife Conservation Group | Smith | Grant | South Africa |
Sharkman’s World Organization | Buttigieg | Alex | Malta |
Sharks Mission France | Rossier | Fabienne | France |
Slow Food Germany | Hudson | Ursula | International |
Slow Food Germany | Veneziano | Veronica | International |
Slow Food International | Pizzi | Matteo | International |
Smart Taxes | McHugh | Dara | Ireland |
Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves (SPEA) | Costa | Luis | Portugal |
SOS Grand Bleu | Sidois | Jean-Pierre | France |
Souffleurs d’Ecume | Mayol | Pascal | France |
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn | Bentivegna | Flegra | Italy |
Stichting de Noordzee | Absil | Christine | Netherlands, The |
Submarinistas en Acción | Tovar | Ana | Spain |
Sustainable Fish City | Dalmeny | Kath | United Kingdom |
Sustainable Inshore Fisheries Trust | Millar | Charles | United Kingdom |
Swedish Elasmobranch Society | Kihlberg | Therese | Sweden |
Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) | Bruno | Ellen | Sweden |
Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) | Garpe | Kajsa | Sweden |
Sylvia Earle Alliance | Luskey | Ann | USA |
Tethys | Notarbartolo di Sciara | Giuseppe | Italy |
Tethys Research Institute | Gonzalvo Villegas | Joan | Italy |
The Fisheries Secretariat | Sporrong | Niki | International |
The Gaia Foundation | Anderson | Teresa | United Kingdom |
The Gowienica Rivers Association | Furdyna | Artur | Poland |
The Nature Conservancy, Hawaii | White | Alan | USA |
The Salmon and Trout Association | Gray | Janina | United Kingdom |
University of the West of England | Appleby | Tom | United Kingdom |
Verdegaia | Palas | Santiago | Spain |
Veterinarios Sin Fronteras | Garcia | Ferran | Spain |
VHL | Hyland | Vincent | Ireland |
Wildlife Conservation Society | McLanahan | Tim | USA |
Women’s Environmental Network | Metcalf | Kate | United Kingdom |
Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) | Rossi | Patrick | Czech Republic |
Zoological Society of London | Debney | Alison | UK |
Organization | Surname | First Name | Country represented |
40+ Fishing Boat Association | Smylie | Mike | United Kingdom |
Asoar-Armega | Rodríguez | Luis | Spain |
Asociacion de Armadores de Artes Menores de Catalunya (ADAMEC) | Tarridas | Ramon | Spain |
Centre d’Etudes pour le Développement d’une Pisciculture Autonome (CEDEPA) | France | ||
Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements (CFFA) | Bours | Hélène | International |
Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements (CFFA) | Gorez | Beatrice | International |
Collectif Bar Européen | Dechene | André | France |
Confédération Africaine des Organisations de Pêche Artisanale (CAOPA) | Gueye | Gaoussou | Senegal |
Confraria de Pescadors de Sitges | del Campo | Enrique | Spain |
Fishing For Jobs | Shine | John | Ireland |
Fundación Lonxanet | García Allut | Antonio | Spain |
Fundación Lonxanet para la Pesca Sostenible / Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori | Montero | Miriam | Spain |
Fundación Lonxanet para la Pesca Sostenible / Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori | Cavallé | Marta | Spain |
Hastings Fishermen’s Protection Society | Joy | Paul | United Kingdom |
Hastings Fishermen’s Protection Society | Joy | Paul | United Kingdom |
International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) | O’Riordan | Brian | International |
Irish Bass | Quinlan | John | Ireland |
Italian Federation of Spearfishing (FIPIA) | Calvenzi | Fulvio | Italy |
Latvian Anglers Association | Birkovs | Alvis | Latvia |
National Artisanal Fishermen Federation of Mauritania (FNP Artisanal) | Abeid | Sid Ahmed | Mauritania |
New Under Ten Fishermen’s Association | Percy | Jerry | United Kingdom |
North West Traditional Fishermen | O’Donovan | Paul | Ireland |
PESCARTES (Asociación de Pescadores Artesanales Parque Natural del Cabo de Gata) | Rodríguez | Luis | Spain |
Alleco Ltd. | Leinikki | Jouni | Finland |
BioConsult SH GmbH & Co. KG | Armin | Rose | Germany |
Catalina Offshore | Runi | Dave | USA |
COMPASS online | Baron | Nancy | USA |
Cross Cultural Horizons | Randerson | Anne | International |
Dingle Oceanworld Aquarium | Hegarty | Sarah | Ireland |
Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED) | Mari | Francisco | Germany |
Ezemvelo kzn wildlife | Harris | Jean | South Africa |
Frankie’s Fish & Chips | Gold | John | United Kingdom |
Fundació ENT | Ortega Cerdà | Miquel | Spain |
Fundacja Naszej Strony | Kos | Ewa | Poland |
Gaia Mariculture Pte Ltd | Richer de Forges | Mathilde | Singapore |
Gaia Mariculture Pte Ltd | Richer de Forges | Mathilde | France |
Galway Atlantaquaria | O’Hara | Kevin | Ireland |
Gas Pavia | Co | Cristina | Italy |
Gloverworks Consulting | Glover | Linda | USA |
GreenLife | Galluzzo | Fabio | Italy |
Greenstart | Barge | Rachel | USA |
In Situ Science Illustration | Jacobsen | Karen | USA |
Intellectual Capital Newspaper | Chapple | Steve | |
International School of Athens | Yannacopoulou | Beatrice | Greece |
Irukandji Aquatik Films | Xicota | Ester | Spain |
Kalipso | Kauppaymuthoo | Vassen | Mauritius |
Marefondum | Alvaro Alejos | Roberto | Spain |
National Sea Life Centre Bray | Ó Suilleabhain | Pat | Ireland |
Naturalists’ Club | Kotulak | Monika | Poland |
New Economics Foundation | Esteban | Aniol | United Kingdom |
Observatori de deute en la Globalització | Llistar | David | Spain |
Poseidonion Grand Hotel | Vordonis | Antonis | Greece |
Posidonia Project Carloforte | Trivelli | Matteo | Italy |
Ruisaba | Abad | Marcos | Spain |
San Diego Newspaper Group, | Garfield | Judith | USA |
Smart Taxes | McHugh | Dara | Ireland |
VHL | Hyland | Vincent | Ireland |
World Bank | Lange | Glenn-Marie | International |
Lu | Evie | ||
Shale | David | ||
Benn | Angela | ||
Rhodes | Bryce | ||
Shale | David | UK | |
Title | Mark | ||
Préhaut | Charlotte | New Caledonia | |
Underwater photographer | Recchi | Alberto Luca | Italy |
Film director/screenwriter | Quilici | Fulvio | Italy |
World champion of freedive | Pellizzari | Umberto | Italy |
Science journalist/writer | Angelo | Piero | Italy |
Cornell University | Chi-Chi Lin | Karen | USA |
Individual PhD | Duff | Russel | |
International School of Athens | Yannacopoulou | Beatrice | Greece |
Policy advisor to the Pew Environment Group | Senni | Domitilla | International |
Lund University, Sweden | Corley | Daniel | Sweden |
San Rafael, California USA | Kneiblher | Carolyn | USA |
Ecologist and conservationist | Notarbartolo di Sciara | Giuseppe | Italy |