The Street-Art Community stands up for the Deep Sea
Alison Sudol defends the Deep ocean
this is pretty rad: #streetart community stands up against #deepsea bottom #trawling @DefraGovUK #deepstreetart
— Alison Sudol (@AlisonSudol) July 15, 2014
Onno Gross, journalist and marine biologist, supports us
#streetart community ask you 2 stop bulldozing the #deepsea @DefraGovUK #DeepStreetArt
— Onno Gross (@OnnoGross) July 14, 2014
Synchronicity Earth supports the event
Pls RT! EU #streetart community stands up against #deepsea bottom #trawling so should you! @DefraGovUK #deepstreetart
— Synchronicity Earth (@SynchEarth) July 14, 2014
Melanie Laurent relays our deep street art event
Action de @Bloom_FR à diffuser pour mettre fin au chalutage profond :
— Actu Melanie Laurent (@ActuML) 14 Juillet 2014
A scientist supports our event: Professor Callum Roberts
European street artists support calls for protection of the deep sea from bottom trawling – @bloom_FR
— Callum Roberts (@Prof_CallumYork) 14 Juillet 2014
Richard Benyon, MP, tweets us
#streetart community stands up against #deepsea bottom #trawling, @DefraGovUK #deepstreetart
— Richard Benyon (@RichardBenyonMP) July 14, 2014
Political meaning of the street art performance in Madrid
Alex Bartoli explica el por que del evento de hoy #DeepStreetArt
— Patricia Roy (@PatriciaRoy18) July 14, 2014
Martine Valo, journalist for Le Monde, relays the street art event
Bloom ne lâche rien et mobilise des artistes contre le #chalutage en eau profonde
— Martine Valo (@mvalo) July 14, 2014
European citizens want the Council of European Union to represent their will
EU citizens & the #streetart community ask you to stop bulldozing the #deepsea! @EUCouncil #DeepStreetArt @Bloom_FR
— Agata Mrowiec (@agatita31) July 14, 2014
The citizens challenge the UK government
#streetart community stands up against #deepsea bottom #trawling,so do I,so should you! @DefraGovUK #deepstreetart
— Darryl Edwards (@FitnessExplorer) July 14, 2014
No te lo pierdas: hoy mismo, en toda Europa, #StreetArt contra la pesca de arrastre en #DeepStreetArt.
— Javier Rico (@JavierRicoNi) July 14, 2014
“@utopic_us: Mañana en utopic_US un grafitero expresa su repulsa a la pesca de arrastre de fondo @niunpez #aguasprofundas” #DeepStreetArt
— Ángel Varela Pena (@angelvarelapena) July 13, 2014