Hearing on deep-sea fishing in the European Parliament

BLOOM made a presentation about the state of French deep-sea fisheries through an analysis of the audited accounts of the three main industrial fishing fleets who engage in deep-sea fishing. This highlighted an absence of economic viability and the social implications of fishing in deep waters, which could not occur without substantial public subsidies and the support of a distribution network.

The presentation solicited a lively reaction from the French and Spanish representitives who contested the economic under-performance of the fishing operations. The other representatives had the opposite reaction, welcoming the fact that the cover of the economically unviable fisheries, which are damaging society, had been blown. Of the 25 members of the Fisheries Commission, 20 were present, which is an unusually high number.

To know more : Intermarche-dependent-on-subsidies


Watch the whole presentation here :

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Read the whole powerpoint presentation here.



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